About us...Vision
Severnbanks School
At Severnbanks Primary School we aim to establish a school where children and adults use the values and language of the convention on the Rights of the Child to help them become Rights Respecting Citizens.
Equal Opportunities: In accordance with the school’s Equal Opportunities, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, and Inclusion Policies; all children will be given full access to the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and National Curriculum. Staff will endeavour to help all children to reach their full potential irrespective of race, physical ability, gender, age or learning ability.
The School Aims:
To enable each child to achieve his or her full potential. We aim to meet each child’s social, academic, spiritual and emotional needs and to develop a sense of right and wrong.
To provide a happy place where children enjoy learning and developing their skills.
To lay the foundations that enables our children to meet the challenges of their future in learning and in life.
To teach the National Curriculum to all children and develop an awareness of life outside school including the variety of cultures, religions and the wider world of work.
To fit the curriculum to the needs of the child by providing appropriate experiences according to age and ability
To value each child’s natural strengths and interests as the basis for the extension of their learning, responding to the children’s interests in a variety of ways.
To provide a wide variety of opportunities and experiences so that each child reaches their full potential.
To encourage caring and respect for themselves, others, their environment and property.
To give each child the support and resources he/she needs to take part in all aspects of school life.
To welcome and encourage parents and carers as partners in their child’s education, building links between home and school – working together to make things better.
To create a supportive and caring community in which children are encouraged to gain confidence and develop their talents.
To help children develop a knowledge, understanding and respect for their own and other cultures.
To help children develop a knowledge and respect for individuals.
To teach children to keep themselves and others safe both in and outside of school.
To develop a sense of fair play and team spirit, where individual achievement and group effort are equally valued.
As a school, we decide upon core values. These are resilience, respect, kindness, honesty, trust and justice. These values are woven through everything we do.